Posted by Elsie Casida on Aug 13, 2017

Call to order by President Pete

Invocation:  Jude

Pledge to our Flag:   Megan                                     

Song:           Smile……led by Steve

Joke:            Pete

Guests:  Claire and two of the Grantham’s grandsons… Our New Police Chief, Greg Allen...  Carla‘s daughter, Brooke…  Lorraine’s friend, Pete…   Dan’s wife, Linda  

Rich updated us on John….he is doing well expecting results from tests soon.   Looking for visitors…… feel free to drop by, but please call first.

Max comes tomorrow at 2:50pm SLO Airport…….come to airport if able….Pete will be updating us on his arrival time. 

Second social will be at Avila beach this Sunday to spend time and get acquainted with the Spanish student staying in Los Osos and Max.   Bring a sack lunch. 
Heidi made announcement concerning PRLS….Dan said PRLS was a very good thing for him personally and professionally.
Board Meeting will be at 7:30 Wednesday at the View (MB Golf Course Banquet Room).
Yesterday was “Purple Heart Day” of which Rick Grantham has two….Thank you for your service, Rick!!
Dan also said he needs help with the Lighted Boat Parade.  Jan, Andrea, Nancy, Nick and Elsie offered to be on the Committee.     First meeting will be next Wednesday before Club meeting at 11:00. 
Passport Club seemed to be willing to work the Margarita Festival.  Jamie again talked about our need for volunteers for the Festival.  Set up will be on Friday, September 8th with the event being held on the 9th. 
Pete accidentally fined Jude for her birthday last week, but it is not until September… he apologized and will once again pay the fine.  I think Jude would have settled for the apology, but the offer to pay was accepted. 
District Conference will be in Ventura October 6 - 8th.
Paul Harris ……Ken passed around a clip board to sign up for Quartets.   We now have two going…  hoping for three.  
Chuck honored Rick Grantham with a special PH Pin,  a second award went to Nick,  Rick then awarded Bill Pierce with a special pin as well.
Megan was given her official member badge.   We are so glad to have her with us!!
Steve Knuckles introduced our new Police Chief, Greg Allen.   He was a police captain in LA….. serving there for 35 years.  He said we have a very warm and welcoming community….he has enjoyed making his way around town and getting to know his fellow officers and also to listen to the people .   Wants our police officers to be part of our community, they all take an oath to protect and serve.    We have reminders every day on the news of just how difficult their job can be.  People enter police work because they really want to be a part of making a better community.   They feel like they are “called” into this profession….. they are very humble about the good things they do in the community.   Many times officers go into their own pockets to help someone out of a difficult situation.  As an example, the officers put their money together and were able to buy a new bicycle for a young man in Morro Bay.     They recently had a mentally challenged young man, whose mother had recently passed, come down to the station and he was so thrilled to be able to come and meet the Police Chief.     One serious social issue here is the homelessness, which is a big challenge for MBPD…..their hope is to help people get back on their feet, while at the same time protect citizens from possible theft.   Steve K told him if he doesn’t join our Club, he might be in trouble if there is a fire at the police station… he hopes to be joining Morro Bay Rotary Club……yea!!!
Rich Riedel proudly announced the arrival of his new granddaughter.
We pulled a name for the 50/50 drawing….I don’t remember who the winner was. 
Meeting adjourned.    Enjoy your week…see you next week.