Our Club Meeting was called to order by President Pete.
Invocation by Melissa Davis
Pledge to the Flag by Forrest
Joke by Pete
Song was R-O-T-A-R-Y……. We didn’t really know the song but it
seemed to be the melody of the Mickey Mouse song. I think we
could do better next time.

Guests of Rotarians: Junior Rotarians Lilly and Stella….Andrea’s
daughter, Ava….and Joni and Russ Frey from Castaic, my daughter
and son in law.
We had a few fines …. Dave Owens and Mike Pond because they
wore shirts that were the same design, and because they have many
things in common: Same April Fools Day Birthday, both have
mustaches, and they are both past presidents. Sarah thanked
Nancy for giving her free tickets to a concert which she and her
finance very much enjoyed. Nick was also fined, though I dont
remember why.
Jamie passed around the Margarita Festival signup sheet again and I
passed around the sheet to sign up for the social/party on Saturday
I gave a craft talk …. Including my family background. Now I am
working on making dresses for little girls in Africa and other countries.
It is very rewarding since these little girls and boys really need these
clothes and are very thankful for them. If anyone has clothes,
pillowcases, sheets, shirts etc. that you don’t want, I will take them to
use for the dresses.
Next Mary, Judy, Jude and Pete talked about their time in Atlanta at
the Rotary Convention. Bill Gates was one of the speakers and he
gave everyone a wristband that lit up to demonstrate where Polio has
been eradicated. One of the panels at the convention discussed
human trafficking. What can we as Rotarians do? Talk to the kids,
Talk to and support the cops, Bring the problem out of the shadows.
Look up THORN.ORG and listen to the brief dialogue by Ashton
Kutcher and Demi Moore. Judy commented that her whole opinion
of Ashton changed when she listened to what his organization was
doing to stop human trafficking.
Be at the August 15 meeting and bring a friend….District Attorney
Dan Dow will be speaking about Human Trafficking.
Next week we are going to have Martin Lomeli, who is the Morro Bay
Interim City Manager, as our guest speaker. You won’t want to miss
this meeting!!
Jan won the $26.00 50/50 drawing and Ken C won the Presidents
Prize of a free lunch next week.
See you at the Party at Petes on Saturday at 5:30. ECasida